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    Since the launch of the solid waste accessories zone in April 2023, the National Energy e-business platform has increased its application and promotion, and the trading volume reached the first 10 million tons in just eight months, and the trading volume exceeded the 20 million tons mark in less than one year. At present, the functional zone has covered 13 provinces and regions across the country, attracted 27 trading subjects, settled more than 500 merchants, the order premium ratio reached 32.6%, and the trading volume of the zone accounted for 1/8 of the total volume of solid waste transactions in the same period of the group's thermal power enterprises.

    As the only external trading platform for the main business of "coal, chemical and transportation" of the National Energy Group, the National Energy E-business platform actively implements the concept of "green water and green mountains are gold hills and silver mountains", and takes the special trading area of solid waste auxiliary materials as the starting point to promote the conversion of coal solid waste resources, empower the real economy, and help achieve the "double carbon" goal. The zone provides solid waste listing, bidding, inquiry and other trading methods, to achieve online payment, multi-product portfolio sales and other convenient functions, to promote solid waste accessories trading more open, fair, flexible and transparent. The platform breaks barriers to the dissemination of transaction information, sets up cross-regional production and demand Bridges, helps production and waste enterprises expand sales coverage, promotes the large-scale recycling and recycling of solid waste auxiliary materials by strengthening the development of the "new + recycling" logistics system and new models, reduces the environmental pressure of production and waste enterprises, and "turns waste into precious" traditional solid waste, enabling both supply and demand to improve quality and efficiency. It has provided an important trading channel for increasing sales profits, promoted the resource conversion of bulk waste to production raw materials, helped the green and sustainable development of solid waste industry, injected new momentum into the green, low-carbon and high-quality development of solid waste auxiliary materials related industries, and provided strong support for the Group to practice the pilot construction of "waste free group" and innovative green development of national energy characteristics.

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