Chinese Top-Down Design for LNG Vessels Industry
责任编辑:icynet    浏览:7173次    时间: 2015-08-10 22:40:04      


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摘要:To realize the goal of energysaving and emission reduction, Chinawill invest USD 3,300 per year from 2015 to 2020, which will occupy 3% of GDP.As low carbon energy, natural gas is considered a reasonable choice to resolveemissions. A series of goo..


To realize the goal of energysaving and emission reduction, Chinawill invest USD 3,300 per year from 2015 to 2020, which will occupy 3% of GDP.As low carbon energy, natural gas is considered a reasonable choice to resolveemissions. A series of good policies has been issued by Chinese government tostimulate the gas consumption and utilization andthere will be further favorable ones in coming years.

Transportationis an important industry involved in energy saving and emissions reducing. Itis very valued and promoted for LNG transportation and as a fuel in China. Whatthe current situation, what the challenges are, where to go and op-Down Designin coming 13th Five Plan from the government.

The above problems will be discussed at the 3rd Topco LNGCarriers & LNG Fueled Vessels Assembly (LNGCV 2015) taking place onSeptember 16-17, 2015 in Shanghai China. There will be experts from ChinaAcademy of Transportation Sciences and China Watterborne Transport ResearchInstitute, who are think tanks of China MOT to do presentation on ‘LNG FueledShip Demonstration Project Update and Policies Trends’ and ‘Energy Saving &Emission Reduction and Top-Down Design in the Shipping Industry’.

LNGCV is the leading and largestof its kind in China, will provide a good platform and opportunity forlearning, exchanging, and networking with over 300 industry peers.

For moreinformation please contact:

Samuel Gao


T:86-10-5863 4346

M: 86-1343931 3603


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