责任编辑:cnlng    浏览:148次    时间: 2024-03-27 10:52:07    | 来源:中国石化报   


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Jiangsu Petroleum has focused on the high-quality development of natural gas business, optimized the layout of gas filling outlets, accelerated the construction of LNG corridors, and improved the comprehensive service level. Since the beginning of this year, the sales volume of natural gas has increased by 40% and the retail volume of LNG has increased by 125%.

The company focused on the goal of expanding LNG refueling capacity, clarified the development plan of the site, promoted the project construction in an orderly manner, and filled the gap in the network. According to the number of inbound vehicles, gas delivery time, LNG tank pressure and other reasonable arrangement of gas supply work. 50 stations will be connected to the gas filling supervision system to deepen the application of the Internet of Things and form a closed-loop management. Carry out site marketing activities, support easy service, grab new customers, stabilize old customers, and lay a good foundation for the continuous expansion of retail operation scale. Solid implementation of staff basic skills training, the use of on-site learning, delivery of lessons to the station, remote counseling, special training and other ways to effectively improve staff performance ability.

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