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Recently, Wangzhuang Coal mine machinery repair factory organized skill masters to carry out the independent design of airborne combined temporary support device for underground driving face.

"The sketch of the whole design has come out, through the implementation of this project, not only can improve our whole factory repair, waste, to tap the potential capacity of the standard, but also make the technical team get exercise, and gradually realize the breakthrough from simple maintenance to independent design." Wang Mingzhi, director of Wangzhuang Coal Mine Machinery Repair Factory, introduced the significance of the project.

After the "three meetings" of the group was held, the factory used pre-job ceremony, Tuesday five regular meetings, Party members and cadres to interpret the workshop, invited members of the mining propaganda group into the factory, used the factory wechat work group to push content, blackboard newspaper to write hot words and other ways to let the staff understand the content of the "three meetings" and deeply understand the rich connotation of the "three meetings" spirit.

As an old mine built nearly 60 years ago, Wangzhuang Coal Mine faces the reality of upgrading, elimination and scrapping of many equipments under the current development background of intelligent mine construction. How to make these replaced waste equipment play a greater role, learning the group's "three meeting" spirit, the mining machinery repair factory found a new idea.

Ren Jianye, chief technician of the group and deputy director of Wangzhuang Coal Mine Machinery Repair Factory, said that since the implementation of the "accounting" culture under the guidance of lean thinking, we have put forward the idea of dismantling the availability of scrap equipment, that is, around independent innovation and technological research, dismantling the scrapped old equipment and classifying all parts. What can be used after repair is used in the development of new equipment, the transformation of old equipment, or stored as spare parts to make the best use of everything, tap the maximum potential of scrapped equipment and save costs.

Around the deep cultivation of the "accounting" culture, to achieve a comprehensive target of standard exploration, the machine repair factory on the one hand to organize skills masters, around safety production to increase technological innovation, small reform, innovation and efficiency. On the other hand, the staff of the whole factory strengthen the business awareness, firmly establish the concept of "everyone is an operator", carry out comprehensive quality tracking of the maintenance equipment, ensure that the maintenance cycle is extended, the number of repairs is reduced, and achieve safe and high-quality maintenance.

"Through the study of the spirit of the 'three meetings', we are to do in thought and action have the courage to bear, the style of diligent, the ability to do good, enhance the sense of crisis, condensing the spirit of running at the beginning, starting to leap forward, in the process of maintenance and repair, screw tightly, potential and then dig, and complete the maintenance of equipment with quality and quantity. To ensure that the equipment in the process of underground operation less or even no problems, from the action to save costs, improve efficiency, and contribute to the high-quality development of enterprises." Machine repair factory party branch secretary Sun Liangbo summed up his experience.

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