中国煤科党建引领 创建一流科技创新型企业
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摘要:中国煤科党委组织集团总部党员代表齐聚一堂,召开“迎七一 强党性践初心”座谈会。会议号召,广大党员干部要坚定拥护“两个确立”,坚决做到“两个维护”,弘扬伟大建党精神和科学家精神,秉承“为客户创造价值,为职工创造幸福”的企业宗旨,践行“追求真理、探索奥..


中国煤科党委组织集团总部党员代表齐聚一堂,召开“迎七一 强党性践初心”座谈会。会议号召,广大党员干部要坚定拥护“两个确立”,坚决做到“两个维护”,弘扬伟大建党精神和科学家精神,秉承“为客户创造价值,为职工创造幸福”的企业宗旨,践行“追求真理、探索奥秘、勇于创新、家国情怀”的科技创新理念,求真务实、从容淡定,在新时代新征程上更好地担当新职责、新使命,为推动集团公司高质量发展再创佳绩、再立新功。



The Party Committee of China Coal Science Group organized Party members' representatives from the headquarters to gather together and held a symposium on "Welcoming the 71-strong Party spirit and practicing the original heart". The meeting called on the majority of party members and cadres to firmly support the "two establishment", resolutely achieve the "two maintenance", carry forward the great spirit of building the Party and the spirit of scientists, uphold the enterprise purpose of "creating value for customers, creating happiness for employees", practice the scientific and technological innovation concept of "pursuit of truth, exploration of mysteries, courage to innovate, home and country feelings", and seek truth and pragmatism, calm and calm. In the new era and new journey, we will better assume new responsibilities and new missions, and create new achievements and make new contributions to promote the high-quality development of the Group.

China Coal Science Party Committee continued to carry out four batches of "unveiling" surprise projects, laying a solid foundation for creating the source of original technology and the "chain length" of modern industrial chain. In 2024, Party organizations at all levels will complete 38 projects and set up 116 new projects to stimulate the vitality of scientific and technological innovation and gather the momentum of high-quality development and innovation.

In order to further play the exemplary role of the vanguard of party members, carry out concentrated research actions, and achieve "where the task is dangerous, there is a strong and powerful work of the Party organization", Party organizations at all levels of the group pressed to promote the construction of party members' demonstration posts and Party members' commandos. By 2024, Party organizations at all levels will set up 650 demonstration posts for Party members, create 316 Party members' shock teams, deepen industrial chain innovation and empower Party building, guide party members to strive for excellence and overcome difficulties, and form a new situation of healthy competition led by pioneers and developed by all boats.

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