• LNG采用罐式集装箱贮存,通过公路运至贮存气化站,在卸气台通过集装箱自带的增压器对集装箱贮槽增压,利用压差将LNG送至贮存气化站低温LNG贮槽。非工作条件下..

    浏览:3794次 评论:0
    2014-03-13 22:48:24
  • 异戊烷脱除天然气中苯的方法,属于一种天然气脱苯技术,在本发明中,含苯天然气进入脱苯塔的底部,在脱苯塔内除去其中的苯后,从脱苯塔的顶部排出并进入下一..

    浏览:3732次 评论:0
    2014-02-08 14:02:38
  • 您好,我是安徽蚌埠北方工程压缩机制造厂。企业拥有各类机械加工设备,有对各道工序加工的控制的能力。具有完整的产品制造、经验、计量、检测手段。积累多年..

    浏览:2751次 评论:0
    2012-03-23 07:26:29
  • 您好,我是安徽蚌埠北方工程压缩机制造厂。企业拥有各类机械加工设备,有对各道工序加工的控制的能力。具有完整的产品制造、经验、计量、检测手段。积累多年..

    浏览:2962次 评论:0
    2012-03-23 07:25:45
  • LNG储罐是液化天然气充装站的重要设备,储罐结构型式有球罐、单容罐、双容罐、全容罐及膜式罐等。单容罐的外罐是普通碳钢制成,它不能承受低温的LNG,总图布..

    浏览:5718次 评论:0
    2011-03-03 17:23:49
  • 液化天然气回收轻质油装置  技术背景:本设备属于化工机械、具体的说从天然气中或石油气中提取轻质油。适合于油田、炼油厂或用天然气作为火源的工厂..

    浏览:7066次 评论:0
    2010-08-25 02:03:34
  • To prevent a tube from generating its freezing phenomenon, by cooling the air, which is supplied as a gasifying heat source, to a temperature of 0..

    浏览:3726次 评论:0
    2010-05-19 17:05:19
  • To provide a method that effectively uses cold heat of LNG. ! A system has a step of transforming carbonic acid gas into liquefied carbonic acid wi..

    浏览:3726次 评论:0
    2010-05-19 16:59:07
  • To provide a gas liquefaction process which includes a reformed liquefaction process using a single mixed refrigerant. ! The cold for cooling and l..

    浏览:3727次 评论:0
    2010-05-19 16:53:58
  • To reduce the load of a work by heating and vaporizing sampled liquefied natural gas(LNG) at an atmospheric temperature, and analyzing it properly ..

    浏览:3728次 评论:0
    2010-05-19 16:52:40
  • To enable a heating time for hot water to be shortened and further enable heating of liquefied natural gas to be carried out from an early time. SO..

    浏览:3727次 评论:0
    2010-05-19 16:51:23
  • To provide a natural gas area utilizing system facilitating utilizing of natural gas for a demander in an area with a local city serving as the cen..

    浏览:3727次 评论:0
    2010-05-19 16:49:43