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按部就班,用精细换精准。储气库钻井工程负责人杨正荣说:“这口井所在地区的砾石层就像一道道弹性十足的钢丝网,钻具难以钻进。我们落实专班责任,每周、每月组织召开推进会,让‘挂图作战’措施成为保证井身质量的硬支撑。”西部钻探青海钻井公司系统分析钻井难点,制定可操作性强的措施,明确责任部门、责任人和时间节点,全面闯过钻进难和保井难两道难关。                   Line up troops, let advance the premise. The average elevation of Qaidam Basin is about 3000 meters, which is one of the high-risk areas for well control of the Group company. Therefore, the western drilling strengthens the integration of geological engineering, focuses on well control risk management from the design source, accurately identifies complex pressure system reservoirs such as fault zones, and realizes the organic combination of design and on-site construction.

Step by step, with precision for precision. Yang Zhengrong, head of the gas storage drilling project, said: "The gravel layer in the area where this well is located is like a string of elastic steel wire mesh, which is difficult to drill into. We implement the responsibility of the special team, organize weekly and monthly promotion meetings, so that the "wall chart operation" measures become a hard support to ensure the quality of the well." The West Drilling Qinghai drilling Company systematically analyzed the drilling difficulties, formulated operational measures, clarified the responsible departments, responsible persons and time nodes, and comprehensively broke through the two difficulties of drilling and well preservation.

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