责任编辑:cnlng    浏览:188次    时间: 2024-03-26 10:51:36    | 来源:央视新闻   


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摘要:当地时间3月25日,匈牙利外交与对外经济部长西雅尔多在社交媒体上表示,从4月1日起,土耳其将开始向匈牙利供应天然气,根据两国之间的协议,未来数月土将输送2.75亿立方米天然气至匈,匈牙利将成为土耳其天然气出口的首个非邻国。On March 25, local time, Hungarian..



On March 25, local time, Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Economy Sijardo said on social media that from April 1, Turkey will begin to supply natural gas to Hungary, according to the agreement between the two countries, Turkey will transport 275 million cubic meters of natural gas to Hungary in the next few months, Hungary will become the first non-neighboring country to export Turkish natural gas.


Hungary and Turkey signed an agreement in August last year under which Turkey will export natural gas to Hungary from this year and cooperate in the use of Turkish liquefied natural gas infrastructure and gas storage facilities in the two countries.

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