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Saudi Aramco recently halted plans to expand its oil production capacity and is focusing on developing unconventional gas fields within its borders. The company also said it is looking for opportunities to invest in LNG projects overseas.

In the third quarter of 2023, Saudi Arabia discovered two gas fields (Al-Hiran gas field and Al-Mahakik gas field). Natural gas production from the Al-Hiran field is expected to be around 30 million cubic feet per day. Natural gas production from the Al-Mahakik field is approximately 850,000 cubic feet per day. In addition, the company has found natural gas in five reservoirs from previous discoveries.

In the context of the global energy transition, the demand for natural gas has increased significantly, and LNG demand is expected to increase by 50% by 2030, prompting Saudi Arabia to accelerate the development of unconventional gas fields.

Saudi Arabia is placing an increasing emphasis on natural gas and made its first acquisition in the LNG sector earlier this year.

Earlier this month, Saudi Aramco and ABU Dhabi National Oil Company were reportedly in talks to invest in U.S. LNG projects. In January, data compiled by Bloomberg showed that the United States had overtaken Qatar to become the world's largest LNG exporter.

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