责任编辑:cnlng    浏览:112次    时间: 2024-04-08 11:52:32    | 来源:中国石化报 作者:周丽洁   


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Since this year, Jiangxi Jingdezhen Petroleum has optimized its marketing plan and improved its field service level. In the first quarter, the retail sales of refined oil products increased by 10.6% year-on-year, ranking first in the provincial company.

The company conducted in-depth research on the market demand and consumption characteristics of different regions and different sites, flexibly carried out preferential activities such as top-up coupons, refueling and meal delivery, and promoted double increase in volume and efficiency; Train and learn the "six-step method" of refueling and sales experience, improve staff skills and improve service level; Optimize the site layout of key stations, replace large flow oil guns, and further improve the vehicle passing rate; Build the driver's home, add the rest area of the love station, and improve the customer consumption experience.

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