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2010-10-20第三届亚太电力与能源工程国际会议已进入IEEE会议目录 APPEEC 2011 has been included in IEEE Conference Database please visit: http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/conferencedetails/index.htm?Conf_ID=16702 http://www.ieee-pes.org/meetings-and-conferences/calendar/monthly-view/view/9..


2010-08-30 今天的会议,主要目的是认真分析今年一季度的经济运行情况和形势,研究部署下一步的经济工作和招商引资工作,确保今年的各项目标任务顺利完成。下面,我讲三点意见。     一、今年一季度的经济运行形势     年初以来,示范区认真贯彻盟委(扩大)会议精神,沉着应对经济发展面临..


2010-07-257月10日,杭氧2010年年中工作会议在杭氧临安制造基地召开。会议回顾总结了上半年工作,提出和部署了下半年主要任务及措施,分析和阐述了下一阶段工作打算。 集团公司、股份公司董事长蒋明发表重要讲话。他对上半年的生产经营工作、临安制造基地的园区管理、杭氧股份上市及上市后的良好表现给予了充分肯定。对下半年的工..

The International Workshop on Electrical Engineering

2010-04-20The international conference on Management Science and Artificial Intelligence (MSAI2010) will be held during Nov. 4-6, 2010 in Henan, China. MSAI is a distinguished forum for advances in research and technologies that drive innovation in Management Science, Computational Intelligence, Machine ..

Management Science and Artificial Intelligence (MSAI2010)

2010-04-20The international conference on Management Science and Artificial Intelligence (MSAI2010) will be held during Nov. 4-6, 2010 in Henan, China. MSAI is a distinguished forum for advances in research and technologies that drive innovation in Management Science, Computational Intelligence, Machine ..

2010 International Conference on Intelligent System Design and Engineering Application

2010-04-20The 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Engineering Application will be held Saturday through Sunday ,October 13-14,2010 in Changsha city ,Hunan province ,China. Now ,as it is known to all of us ,the intelligent systems is playing an increasing important role in the p..

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